Editable and Manufacturable Generative Design Solutions
Tuesday, June 25, 2024 2:30 PM to 3:00 PM · 30 min. (America/Los_Angeles)
Tech Hub - Booth 2149
Tech Hub
Part design represents a critical stage in producing end-use parts, crucial for unlocking the value of additive manufacturing in improving part performance metrics. Generative design can be employed for lightweighting and enhancing part performance. Novineer generative design software efficiently provides editable optimized CAD models and manufacturable optimized toolpaths for 3D printing. The editable optimized geometry is achieved through the use of discrete geometries in the design process. Leveraging discrete geometries in the optimized model simplifies post-processing CAD operations such as Boolean and Fusion, thereby streamlining workflow efficiency. Toolpaths across multiple layers are generated based on optimized material orientations and manufacturing specifications. This holistic approach to optimizing geometry and toolpaths not only enhances the structural integrity of the final product but also pushes the boundaries of what’s possible with additive manufacturing.