Exum Instruments
Exum enables materials scientists and engineers to spend less time acquiring chemistry data and more time learning from it. Exum’s first instrument, the Massbox, offers rapid chemical characterization in a desktop package. The Massbox can take any solid material (powder or printed part) and measure the full periodic table of its constituents in minutes. Plus, its intuitive operations do not require chemistry expertise. Using a new mass spectrometry technique, the Massbox provides high-sensitivity measurements, chemical mapping up to 3”-by-3” area, ease-of-use for solid materials, and low-cost operations. For additive manufacturing users, Exum's versatile new measurement tool supports: 1) rapid quality control of virgin and reused feedstock powders, 2) development of new materials specficially suited for additive manufacturing, and 3) investigating chemical variations across heterogeneous materials and failed parts. With a spatial resolution ranging from 5-200 microns, the Massbox provides chemical data at the particle level and the same scale as the melt pool in many manufacturing techniques.
Main Category
Measurement Inspection & Testing
Product Categories
Inspection Systems & Equipment
Reverse Engineering
Materials Testing
Measurement, Inspection & Testing (See also Metrology Equipment)
Research & Development