Piab Inc


The piFLOWam is a small vacuum conveyor designed based on requirements from OEMs within Additive Manufacturing segment. The small and compact design features Piab’s proprietary and highly efficient COAX vacuum technology as well as a butterfly valve. The butterfly valve is not sensitive to pressure fluctuations and is able to keep a material batch inside without the pump being mounted. It has a standard TC connection which makes it simple to integrate for the customer. The unit is simple to use and is easily integrated with any type or brand of 3D printer, sieve, hopper and other intermediate vessel. The product is controlled by pneumatic or electrical control units. 

Piab’s vacuum conveying technology can be used to solve many different challenges related to additive manufacturing. It is a perfect technology for filling a printer with metal powders, reclaiming/cleaning excess material from the printers and postproduction, and filling or emptying metal powders from/to adjacent equipment such as a sieve or a powder container.

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Vacuum Systems Additive Manufacturing Machines & Processes

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