Connected Workflows that Put the Right Person in the Right Job at the Right Time

Connected Workflows that Put the Right Person in the Right Job at the Right Time

Tuesday, June 4, 2024 2:00 PM to 2:30 PM · 30 min. (America/New_York)
Tech Hub
Tech Hub


An integrated Shop Floor Management System can transform connectivity and communication between production supervisors, team leaders, and floor operators. Managing on-the-job training, shift readiness, and cross-shift actions typically relies on a disconnected mix of emails, spreadsheets, and paper. This presentation outlines how manufacturers can shift to dynamic work and use technology to organize these critical shop floor activities with connectivity to systems of record like MES and ERP. Gain the ability to track training status to ensure qualified operators are staffed for each role. Capture shift notes and follow-up actions to prevent critical tasks from being overlooked when supervision changes. Proactively manage 5S audits and checklists to build consistency across stations, enabling higher readiness and prevention of errors from clutter or miscalibration. By linking frontline leaders with each other and providing broader visibility into production processes, the Quickbase Shop Floor Management System enhances floor-level decision-making, accelerates issue resolution, and supports a culture of continuous improvement across shifts. The result is more seamless floor operations, reduced scrap/rework, and maximized throughout.

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